24 HOURS OF ART: Thursday Highlights
Digital Art Headlines, Market Highlights, and Analysis from 10/9 - 10/10
XCOPY and No Chill
‘Chatbot and Chill?’ by XCOPY sells for 800 ETH ($1,933,320 USD) to Punk4945 via a deal brokered by SuperRare Private Sales.
The December 13, 2018 mint was originally acquired by momuscollection on January 26, 2019 for 0.75 ETH when ETH itself was $116!
Via Punk4945:
“[The artwork] is another example of XCOPY being ahead of his time, created in 2018, long before the rise of LLMs and the surge of AI enthusiasts. It features vibrant colors and XCOPY’s unique character style, showcasing his role as a barometer for both the crypto and tech scenes. This piece serves as a significant signal from 2018, hinting that AI was poised to transform our relationships.”
Via Jediwolf:
“In a conversation with Punk4945 following the acquisition he told me: ‘Collecting XCOPY works is the most exciting thing I’ve done in the last few years’. Joy and excitement are what truly matters in collecting!”
Final Vision Inscription
“Bleeding Blues - The Final Vision, has now been inscribed on ordinals” says Cath Simard.
The artwork is the final step of a multi-year, multi-stage commission collected by Nuro. The commission itself sold for 3 BTC, and Simard shares that the multi-year expenses required to pull off the feat totaled 1 BTC across travel, guides, equipment, film and more.
The inscription itself costs $5,409 for 3.78 MB, making it the 18th largest overall on Bitcoin and the largest landscape photography artwork.
Via Nuro:
“Bleeding Blues captures a real person’s superhuman feat. And it will preserve the red lake forever digitally. This is especially valuable as the physical red lake is set to disappear entirely in the coming years.”
Into the DeePleVerse
‘DeePle’ by DeeKay concludes its first generation mint at 445 DeePles, with DeeKay keeping an additional 55 (for “good use in the future”) to round them out at 500.
For the project launched with Transient Labs on Shape, focus now shifts to its secondary market where there has already been 39.54 ETH in volume. The lowest listed DeePle is 0.83 ETH.
Via DeeKay:
“So... what’s next? I’d like to say this is just the beginning of an evolving project. There will be a second generation with fresh items and unique features, followed by a third, and more. I'm excited to dive deeper into the DeePleVerse and explore all its possibilities, and it would be an honor to have all of you along for the journey.”
Freshly Baked Fidenza
Baked Colors ‘Fidenza #78’ by Tyler Hobbs sells for 30.5 ETH to Ahhh with the overall collection list at 30 ETH.
Notable Pepe Update
Both ‘MEME EMERGENCY’ by Darkfarms (100/100) and ‘Rare Pepe Wallet Mining’ (69/69) complete Notable Pepes sellouts, with two more on the way.
Two Incoming:
‘Happy Place’ by Socmplxd
‘PEPECUT’ by Seerlight
Collection: Highlights
‘I’m With You’ by Kevin Esherick: Sells 1/1/24 for $450 each, $10.8k total via ranked auction with Verse x TENDER
‘MAX PAIN’ /5,515 by XCOPY: 9 sales for 6.2 ETH, list: 0.79 ETH
‘podGANs’ /1,024 (BrainDrops) by Pindar Van Arman: 8 sales for 4.79 ETH, list: 0.65 ETH
LIVE (Avant Arte) - ‘THE TREE OF KNOWLEGE’ Prints
LIVE (ClickCreate) - ‘Carnaval em São Luiz’ by BEISSÚ, curated by Pravijn: 93/95 minted
LIVE (Feral File) - ‘Patterns of Flow’
LIVE (Highlight on Shape) - ‘COPE SALADA’ by XCOPY: 77/250 minted thus far, secondary sales in 1/1/X section
LIVE (LISA) - ‘Personas’ by Victor Mosquera: Presale
LIVE (SHILLR) - S3 Core Pass & Collector Pass
LIVE (Sotheby’s) - ‘Algorithmic Primitivism: Autoglyphs - A Set of Seven Types’
LIVE (The Memes by 6529) - ‘OG Coiner’ by Zigmarillion: 156/329 minted
INCOMING (Christie’s) - ‘Ascend’ by Ryan Koopmans x Alice Wexell: bidding live at 10:00am EST
INCOMING (Apocalypse dot art) - ‘THE ORDEAL’ on Shape
1/1: Highlights
‘** Echoes of a Silent Thought **’ by r0yart: 0.5 ETH to snow.eth
‘Monument, Sapiens’ by mektxt.eth: 0.5 ETH to xreptar
‘Within Your Control’ by Infiniteyay: 0.5 ETH to seaofinfinty
LIVE (Asprey Studio) - ‘You Could Suffer in Heaven’ by Defaced: 25k USD bid from Blondie23LMD
LIVE (SuperRare) - ‘April’s Junction to Tomorrow’ by Botto: 2.69 ETH bid, ends Fri 4:00pm ET
LIVE (Foundation) - ‘[ W I N T A G E ] 9 8’ by CheeseTalk: 1 ETH bid, ends 4:54pm ET
1/1/X: Highlights
‘REMNANTS’ /250 by XCOPY: 8.88 ETH to ides-of-december
‘COPE SALADA’ /250 by XCOPY: 4.69 & 4 ETH, 4.25 WETH
‘Chromie Squiggle’ /10k (Art Blocks) by Snowfro: 3.39 ETH, 3.1558, 3.1557 & 3.155 WETH
‘The Flowers Project’ /50 by Jules: 3.2 ETH to _DK_
‘Meridian’ /1k (Art Blocks) by Matt DesLauriers: 2.649 ETH
‘alignDRAW’ /2,709 (Fellowship) by Elman Mansimov: 1.45, 1.25 & 1.2469 ETH
‘Genesis’ /500 (BrainDrops) by Claire Silver: 1.36 WETH
‘QQL’ /319 by Tyler Hobbs x Dandelion Wist Mané: 1.33 WETH to Bob_Loukas
‘Auntieverse’ /1k (Fellowship) by Niceaunties: 1.29, 0.9, 0.9, 0.888 & 0.888 ETH
‘BURNER’ /255 by James Bloom: 1.169 WETH to TheAnalyst
‘Construction Token’ /500 (Art Blocks) by Jeff Davis: 0.9061 WETH
‘Right Click Share’ /1,025 (Deca) by XCOPY: 0.777, 0.66 & 0.38 ETH
‘BitMON’ /150 by Lucréce: 0.029 BTC
‘The Currency’ /2,046 by Damien Hirst: 0.589 WETH
‘Salt V4’ /180 by Figure31 and 0xmons: 0.555 ETH to 0xPhillip
‘Terraforms’ /9,911 by Mathcastles: 0.54 & 0.5 WETH
‘Pink. Unidentified. Such a Useless Color!’ /100 (Fellowship) by Simon Raion: 0.5 ETH to davidmichael.eth
Edition: Highlights
‘EXIT STRATEGY’ /420 (The Memes by 6529) by XCOPY: 2.29 ETH & 1.8801 WETH
‘Midnight Snack Run’ /25 by Grant Yun: 1.2991 WETH
‘SIDEWAYZ’ by XCOPY: 0.85 ETH to RGmakes-vault
‘Station3 Patron’ /931 by Grant Yun: 0.8 ETH to Otis2000
‘PROOF Collective’ /1k by PROOF: 0.75 & 0.75 ETH
‘LetsWalk’ by DeeKay: 0.6 & 0.34 WETH to sneekywombat
‘A Cube’ /2,476 by Pak: 0.399 & 0.38 ETH
‘dying fish at county fair’ /6 by die with the most likes: 1.45k XTZ | ~$935 USD
‘SEIZEMEMES’ /305 (The Memes by 6529) by Darkfarms: 0.269 ETH to gratefulmfer.eth
‘Royalty’ /255 by Alpha Centauri Kid: 0.24 WETH
Closing Thoughts
It feels fitting that with attention firmly on the ‘COPE SALADA’ mint that XCOPY manages an even bigger headline, a near $2M secondary sale. My favorites are the ones that involve nearly 6 full years of a singular collector (see: Moderats, Momus, etc).
The DeeKay mint needs to (and will be) further studied. I’ll do that myself on a later date.
In fact, considering the day as a whole, conviction may be its greatest theme. Momus, XCOPY, Punk4945, DeeKay, Cath Simard’s multi-year odyssey, Defaced quietly making noise with Asprey, a large scoped Notable Pepes endeavor churning along, Koopmans and Wexell representing digital art in a live Christie’s event. It’s a good day.
One more day to upvote our 24 Hours of Art on-chain Trivia game proposal. You can do that here (thank you!)
Live Today:
2:00pm ET: 24 Hours of Art: Art, Shape & L2s with Nat (Highlight) and Han (Shape) X Spaces