24 HOURS OF ART: Tuesday Highlights
Digital Art Headlines, Market Highlights, and Analysis from 6/17 - 6/18
Moving Poetry
‘Mammal’ by Ana María Caballero sells for $10,000 USD via Gazelli Art House with the help of 100 collectors.
Sale of the 1/1 video artwork and physical print comes one week after ‘Waiting Room’ was acquired by TokenAngels.
Via Artwork Description:
“Mammal is the title poem from Ana María Caballero’s book Mammal, which won the 2022 US National Steel Toe Books Poetry Prize and was a semifinalist for the 2023 Vassar Miller Poetry Prize. This performative work honours her spoken-word history and poetry’s tradition of orality. In this multifaceted rendition of self, she speaks her poem via movement, exploring how body language ties into spoken language.”
Plasma Bear Throwback
Three XCOPY ‘Plasma Bears’ sell for 3.5 ETH each to three separate collectors, two from teep.
22 total XCOPY Bears exist, and the sales include one of each color variation from the 2019 early NFT game collection.
Collection: Highlights
‘Terraforms’ /9,911 by Mathcastles: 16.08 ETH volume, list: 0.47 ETH
‘Opepen Edition’ /16k by Jack Butcher: 7.23 ETH volume, list: 0.08 ETH
‘alignDRAW’ /2,709 (Foundation) by Elman Mansimov: 4.98 ETH volume, list: 0.86 ETH
LIVE (Gamma) - ‘Between Bytes & Being’ by Jcode
LIVE (Foundation) - ‘Babes' by Petra: 35.4k minted
LIVE (MakersPlace) - ‘CHAOS XI - From the Vault’ by Urs Fischer
LIVE (Ninfa) - ‘Rhythms of the Subconscious’ by Pho
LIVE (Transient Labs) - ‘Cogito’ by N8
INCOMING (AOTM) - ‘Whispers & Closed Doors’
INCOMING (Gamma) - ‘ordAR’ by Whitters
INCOMING (SuperRare) - ‘What’s in Your Wallet?’ by MLow
1/1: Highlights
‘Robotic scrolls of the mind - 5’ by Eko33: 2 ETH (Private Sale)
‘FIAT’ by Mr Richi: 1.5 ETH to FlyingBeagle
‘05.Eiffel tower’ by Yongohkim: 1 ETH to 0339mint
‘Generations’ by Fiona Aboud: 0.7 ETH to raj71
‘Everyone’ by Ceren Yüzgül: 0.5 ETH to FlyingBeagle
‘SALVADOR DALI by Bengamin Auger’ via Paris Match: 0.3 ETH to 8an
‘Sky’ by Bengt Tibert: 0.3 ETH to unknownnunknownn.eth
‘Let's pretend the strings aren't attached’ by Gavin Meeler: 10k RARE | $1,055 to cyborgnomad
LIVE (SuperRare) - ‘Into the Wild’ by Intrepid: 1.69 ETH bid, ends 7:10pm ET
LIVE (Foundation) - ‘dying at rent-a-center’ (July 2021 FND) by Mark Wilson (Die with the most likes): 1.5 ETH bid, ends 8:52pm ET
LIVE (SuperRare) - ‘Neon Odyssey’ by Lindsey Price: 1 ETH bid, ends 3:46pm ET
1/1/X: Highlights
‘Grifters’ /666 by XCOPY: 6.5 WETH
‘Gazers’ /1k (Art Blocks) by Matt Kane: 4.8 WETH
‘Memories of Qilin’ /1,024 (Art Blocks) by Emily Xie: 4.49 ETH (Flock Composition) to ABInvestorLedgerVault
‘Chromie Squiggle’ /10k (Art Blocks) by Snowfro: 3.1 WETH
‘Themes and Variations’ /500 by Vera Molnár x Martin Grasser: 1.9 ETH & 1.47 WETH
‘Proscenium’ /400 (Art Blocks) by Remnynt: 1.6 ETH
‘The Harvest’ /400 (Art Blocks) by Per Kristian Stoveland: 1.011 WETH to GunnersNFT
‘Cryptomnesia’ /150 by Pixelord: 0.921 ETH to NFTipe
‘Synthetic Dreams’ /1k by Refik Anadol: 0.8 WETH to antxx24
‘DigitalArtCollective’ /214: 0.55 WETH
‘Colorglyphs’ /520: 0.5, 0.4 & 0.4 WETH
Edition: Highlights
‘BeastMode’ /150 (Kolectiv) by XCOPY: 2.2496 WETH
‘QQL Mint Pass’ /694 by Tyler Hobbs: 2 ETH to XataDeployer
‘Ironic Dessert’ /15 (On NFTs) by Dmitri Cherniak: 1 WETH to mathewzilla
‘PROOF Collective’ /1k by PROOF: 0.9, 0.899 & 0.88 ETH
‘SEIZEMEMES’ /305 (The Memes by 6529) by Darkfarms: 0.361 & 0.36 WETH
‘Ecumenoplis, Sector 3: Mexico City’ /73 by Dave Krugman, XSULLO, OLLIE CHANIN: 0.25 ETH to Blondie23LMD007
‘Drip’ /10 by Bryan Brinkman: 0.2 ETH to brinkman
Closing Thoughts
Ana María Caballero is in the midst of a powerful stretch, featuring 1/1s, collections, live shows, and press. Impressive to witness.
One of my favorite deep cut stories from yesterday is ArtBlocksInvestor writing about a Flock Composition Memories of Qilin artwork that had just sold, then ultimately deciding to collect it at a higher list. Escalating conviction!
A lot to look at across LIVE and INCOMING, which will ultimately define the week. Urs Fischer, AOTM, and the next installment of the Starry Night Collection with Sotheby’s are top of mind.